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How To Simplify Garden Design In 3 Easy Steps: Let Your Ideas Run Wild
Want to create a new planting, or improve a problem area and have no idea how to get started? This month I thought I’d share a design shortcut that helps me get unstuck, and allows me to run wild with any idea that pops into my head.
Want More Beauty And Less Work? The Answer Is Foliage,Not Flowers
What can you do if you want a garden that’s less work without sacrificing beauty? The answer - fewer flowers and more foliage.
Tired Of Your Houseplants? Bring On The Bromeliads
Stuck in the house, winter travels shelved. But no worries, I’ve added a good dose of the tropics to my indoor plant collection. Bring on the bromeliads.
Memoirs From My Garden; The Best Of 2020
The quest for the right plant, plotting the next project and even bemoaning my garden failures has kept me going in a year without much good news. Here's the best of 2020 in a nutshell.
Brighten Up Your Winter Window Sill With Forced Bulbs
If you're strapped for time, space and energy, why not pot up leftover bulbs, tuck them away in a protected spot to force and bring inside later? It's worth doing just to get a sneak preview of spring! Here's how.
These Love It Dry: 3 Hardy Shrubs That Never Get Thirsty
I’ve gained a new appreciation for several shrubs that remain unfazed by drought. Check out three stalwart beauties that can take just about anything you throw at them.
Stomp Out Stupid Weeding: 5 Perennials That Make It Easy
Don't you hate weeding areas that don’t look much better when you're done? I call this 'stupid weeding' and I'm on a mission to reduce it. Learn more about 5 beautiful, useful perennials that will save you work.
What do you do when your favorite plant dies?
A few months ago someone asked me what advice I would give new gardeners. Here's my two cents - cultivate a sense of humor and don't give up when plants die.
Gardening In Impossible Spots: How To Deal With Dry Rooty Soil
Every garden comes with it's own set of challenges, success comes about when you figure out how to make it work in spite of them. Find out how one determined gardener turned an inhospitable site into a shady paradise.
Make Summer More Sensual: Add These 8 Fragrant Beauties
Don't you wish you could bottle up all the smells of summer? Fragrance is memorable. Scents define the personality of the garden and etch their way into your memory bank. The aroma of petunias and nicotiana still take me straight back to childhood days in my grandmothers garden. Inspired by these memories,I've developed a mix of aromatic plants worth trying.
Strategies For Small Gardens: How To Grow More Food In Less Space
If there was ever a time to grow your own food, this is it. Maybe you have a small garden or no place to put one. How can you get more out of the space you have? Find out how to use every available inch.
It’s All About Perspective: A Gardener’s Journey
Patience and faith are being sorely tried these days, and no one knows when life is going to return to normal. As with gardening, we just have to hang on, wait for the plants to grow and have faith that they'll survive.
Making The Most Of It: 10 New Annuals Make Hard Times Better
Right now, we need our gardens more than ever. There's nothing more hopeful than planting, and part of the fun is trying something new. Want to indulge in a little plant porn? Here are 10 annuals to inspire you.
Lost In The Tropics: Gardening On The Other Side Of The World
I'm grateful for public gardens wherever I go, but my recent trip to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) Vietnam to visit grandchildren left me doubly appreciative of what they provide. In a city where even crossing the streeet is a hair raising experience, the tree-lined public parks provide shelter from the heat and respite from the daily hubbub. Need a little tropical eye candy? Read on.
Amaryllis Angst? How To Get Them To Rebloom
I'm always reading rave reviews about how easy amaryllis are to grow. Hah! What they don't tell you is that you must have the patience of a saint to get them to flower, much less rebloom. How the heck do you make that happen? Read on to find out.
Perennials And Annuals On The Want And Need List For 2018
Due to a badly sprained ankle and impossible winter weather, my recent activities have been confined to the couch. When a bunch of seed catalogues arrived in the mailbox the other day, I was more than ready to indulge in a little plant porn.
It's All About The Feeling: A Grandmother's Garden Revisted
As the another year rolls around to an end, I've been thinking about why I garden. There are a lot of reasons why I keep at it - I like being outside, experimenting with plants and putting them together. But the real truth isn't reasonable. I garden because I have to. Keep reading to learn more about why I'm so driven.
Let There Be Light: 3 Easy Fixes For Outdoor Lights
I trudged up to the attic and hauled out the bags of outdoor lights I stowed away last year. When I plugged them in half the strands didn't work - others are totally dead. What the heck? Many of them were brand new last year. Is this some kind of a Chinese plot to keep us all buying more?
We'll never know for sure, but instead of tossing them aside and buying new ones - find out how to fix them.
Get Your Edge On: How To Nail Down The Perfect Edging Plants
Are you trying to improve your garden but find yourself floundering around? Start with the edging. If you can nail down the plants in the front border, the rest of the bed is a piece of cake.
A Place In The Garden - 9 Beauties That Earned Their Spot
You roll the dice when you're a gardener, but it's all worth it for the exquisite moments of pleasure you experience when you create a great combination (usually accidental) or discover a terrific plant. If you want to find out about some trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals that made my summer, read on.